Please download and distribute the workshop reports here.
Collaboratively identifying business dilemmas through engagement with business, for business: Part 1
Collaboratively identifying business dilemmas through engagement with business, for business: Part 2
Business models: Developing tailored business models and plans to work for you
Letting go: Effective delegation for enhanced decision making
Fail fast: How to fail your way to success in a crazy world
Workshop 6 -
No report for this workshop as it was exploratory.
Reflecting on what we have done in workshops 1-5
Understanding your market
Supply Chain Management Part 1: Market risks, mega trends, and negotiation
Supply Chain Management Part 2: Applying SCM concepts to your business
Business and sustainability Part 1: An environmental focus
Business and sustainability Part 2: The social focus
Future work-life: Organisational responses for a(n apparent) shift in individual practices and preferences
Unpacking management strategies for your future workplace –Back to basics–
Conflict and dispute resolution for SMEs
Entrepreneurial ecosystems for advancing regional business
Māori business perspectives for contemporary business challenges and opportunities
The future of work: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace
Artificial Intelligence unleashed: Harnessing power, protecting assets
In pursuit of Business Excellence